
Closeup - Head

Closeup - Head

Turn Around

Turn Around - Closeup - Top

Turn Around - Closeup - Bottom

Marmoset View

Front View

Front View

Back View

Back View

Back View Close

Back View Close

Bottom View Close

Bottom View Close

Front View Close - 2

Front View Close - 2

Front View Close - 1

Front View Close - 1

Head Textures

Head Textures

Body Textures

Body Textures

Pants + Extra Textures

Pants + Extra Textures

Shirt Textures

Shirt Textures

Vest + Accessories Textures

Vest + Accessories Textures

The protagonist of Moonlight: Daemian.

Daemian finds his way into eastern Skal' dath, a cold and possibly dangerous place, trying to find the reason why he is being pulled there and finds a temple that seems to be pristine given the location. Hoping for a way in and to learn why he feels compelled to come here he unfortunately finds something else here that begins hunting him. Through his arrogance of being unprepared, he must find a way to keep warm, search and survive.