Yalbrimoch has been known by many names throughout history; He has possessed titles such as the Great Antler God to the pagan tribes of the far North, or the Weaver of Spite to the ancient Elven kingdoms. Above all of his monikers and various cultural adaptations, Yalbrimoch is the Arch-demon of Hatred and Cruelty. His realm is known as the Seething Skein, a dismal land of swirling, blackened and blood stained sands. Harsh winds tear across the plane, whipping the stinging sands across the flesh of anyone unfortunate enough to find their way into this realm. Dotted among this dark landscape are eerie pools of red, glowing liquid. Upon first glance these basins appear to be a pooling of clotted blood, but they are in fact coalescences of pure hatred. Any who are desperate enough to drink from these fetid waters are overwhelmed with their most malefic thoughts, becoming more susceptible to the manipulations of the demon lord. Strung throughout the gloaming skies of the Seething Skein there are countless, inky strands that converge at an imposing, demonic spire. At the pinnacle of this tower sits Yalbrimoch's throne, from which he pulls these threads, inciting vaunted self-righteousness and malicious desires in the hearts of mortals, sewing his grand tapestry of hatred.
Yalbrimoch's demeanor is rather contrary to his many nefarious deeds and infamous titles, as he is described as unexpectedly articulate and courteous, despite his cruel intentions. Regardless, to the many denizens of the outer planes, this demon lord has garnered a vile reputation, feared for his propensity towards massacring any in his path.
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