Akeldema the Draining Blade

Simple Beauty Shot

Simple Beauty Shot

Akeldema the Draining Blade

Whole Blade: Front

Whole Blade: Front

Whole Blade: Back

Whole Blade: Back

Blade: 1

Blade: 1

Blade: 2

Blade: 2

Blade: 3

Blade: 3

Blade and Handle: 1

Blade and Handle: 1

Blade and Handle: 2

Blade and Handle: 2

Handle and Pommel

Handle and Pommel

Cool Shot: 1

Cool Shot: 1

Cool Shot: 2

Cool Shot: 2

Cool Shot: 3

Cool Shot: 3

All Maps

All Maps

An Artifact Weapon that thirsts for blood. Any who wield this can feel its power and some take advantage of its blood draining ability to hide devastating attacks that would normally leave a bloody aftermath. Origins: Unkown

Part of a project we are working on.